Saturday, July 22, 2017

The Hallway of Fame

I seem to have married into a family who are not particularly sentimental.  I guess that is a good thing in most ways.  They don’t hang onto something if it isn’t any longer useful.  I, on the other hand, am the opposite, which isn’t necessarily a good thing.  I have boxes and boxes of my kids’ school projects.  I have their baby clothes.  I have a lot of stuff that has no value, but means something to me, and really, only me.  I may be leaving this stuff for someone to throw away once I am gone because no one but me would really appreciate the value of some of the stuff I’ve hung onto.

Here in Tahoe we have a hallway that I’ve turned into a sentimental journey.  As you enter the house, you will see photos from various stages of the last almost 50 years of this house, and those who spent time here.  These are mostly of my husband when he was a kid, his parents, brother, his son and late wife and various and assorted relatives who have come to Tahoe over the years.

I call it the Hallway of Fame. 
This selection of photos shows the early years at this house.  My husband is the little boy in the middle two photos.

I’ve decided that if you’ve spent the night here, your photo goes on the wall.  I’m only up to less than half of the right side of the hallway.  But, I imagine that by the time I am an old, old, lady there will be many more photos on the walls.

This house was originally built in 1969, and ever since, this place has been a part of the Lynch family’s summer vacations.  We remodeled in 2016, adding a bedroom and bathroom, and modernized and expanded the kitchen.  But the neighbors around us have not changed a thing in well over 50 years, and that is what makes this area charming and unique.

Houses in this neighborhood- the Al Tahoe Forest Homes Association—are places with lots of sentimentality.  Here in California, people don’t seem to pass houses down to their children.  We are living in a time in history when people move a lot, relocate, upgrade.  But here in this neighborhood, homes are passed to the next generation.  So many people we talk to are vacationing, or living in the house they’ve known since their childhood.  It feels good to be a part of it, having a history in a house that goes back further than a decade. 

So when you come here to visit, please stop through The Hallway of Fame.  It is full of sentimentality, the memories of good times past, and a hope for the future

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