Sunday, August 20, 2017

Looking Down

I realized something about myself recently.  I like to think I always, 'stop and smell the roses,' and that I take time to watch the clouds pass overhead.  However, most of the time, I just look straight ahead.  (At least I don’t trip too often, or have near misses with cars.) When I walk my dog in the neighborhood, I don’t often notice the yellow patch of wildflowers growing along someone’s front fence, or the mushroom that sprouted up overnight on the north side of a tall pine tree.  I just look forward.  SO, I decided I need to look down more. 

The melting winter snow has caused tiny creeks here in South Lake Tahoe to turn into swift streams, the local meadow to flood, (and thankfully to fill up Lake Tahoe!) 

Only now in mid August, has the water seeped into the ground enough to allow people to walk in the meadow again. I’m glad I started looking down.  The wildflowers are amazing!

Notice the bee!

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