Monday, June 16, 2014

Zion National Park- The Narrows

At the farthest point in the Zion National Park road is a place called The Temple of Sinawava. This was where Rob and I got off the shuttle and headed into a place called The Narrows.  The Virgin River has carved a spectacular gorge through Zion Canyon. According to the hiking guide it is 16 miles long, up to 2,000 feet deep, and at times only 20 to 30 feet wide.  The Narrows, with its soaring walls, sandstone grottos and natural springs was an unforgettable experience.
We were prepared with our hiking poles- which were absolutely essential, since much of the time we were hiking through the river itself, stepping carefully on large and small rocks, trying to judge how deep the river was, as  the cold water rushed by. We brought  plenty of water and food and I for one, left my fears behind.  This was rated a 'strenuous' hike, so I was especially proud of myself for having completed this hike after seven long, but exciting hours. I have to admit, afterward I was sore and exhausted.  So, the gin and tonics Rob made for us  back in Springdale, (the town where we stayed near the park) never tasted better! What an experience The Narrows was!  It is one we'll never forget!

The hikers ahead of us gives the perspective of the grandeur of this awesome place.
For most of the day, we waded through the Virgin River.
A shaft of sunlight allows this cottonwood tree to grow.

In this especially narrow slot canyon Rob's hiking poles are touching both sides of the canyon walls!
This was one of the most spectacular hikes I've ever experienced!

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