Monday, June 16, 2014

Zion National Park, Utah

If ever the expression, "a picture is worth a thousand words," is fitting, it is perfect for Zion National Park.  The name Zion comes from the Hebrew scriptures, meaning a place of refuse or sanctuary, and again, the name certainly is appropriate.  Even though the park was crowded with visitors like us, all dressed in their hiking finest, people spoke in whispered voices, as if we were all in nature's cathedral.  
No one could have prepared us for the jaw-dropping scenery. And as our shuttle bus came around each bend in the road, there was often a collective 'wow' uttered by all the passengers.  Even these photos don't do the experience justice. On our first day we stopped at several of the vista points such as The Court of the Patriarchs,  The Grotto and The Riverwalk, which are shown below.    Being 'on the road again,' is great! 

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