Friday, September 15, 2017

Amsterdam Day 1

Amsterdam is an amazing city.  When we arrived at the city center by train, I knew I would loved it. Most of the buildings are from the 1600s. As we walked along the canals and small intertwining streets we noticed that a great many of them leaned comfortably into their neighbors or bowed out a bit in the middle or seemed to be peering over to take a look at the people passing by.  Considering 
that they have been settling there for 400 years, they are all in beautiful shape. The canals are filled with boats and barges of every color and design.  There are flowers everywhere. There are also pot stores everywhere, cheese shops on most corners  and while some of it was touristy, much of it was not.  We really enjoyed just wandering the streets, looking through the shops and taking it all in.

So many beautiful tulips!
The cheese shops are everywhere and they even have samples!!

There are bikes everywhere!

Right by the train station in central Amsterdam!

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