Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Tanzania-The Serengeti Day III Part 1

We got on the road early in the morning. It was still chilly, and a bit unnerving to open up our tent flap and see the Maasai guard standing on the path with his spear and bright cloak.  Today would be the day we would be going to the Serengeti.  The day quickly warmed up, but the wind was very strong causing dust to swirl and that fine grit to get into everything.

We traveled for a few miles before seeing any animals.  Then almost as if some switch was flipped, animals were everywhere.

Sitting in the shade of a large tree were two lions, a male  and female.  As Rob stuck his head out the top of the truck, the male let out a deep and loud roar!

Near a creek we came upon a large family of elephants.  They were  probably 50 of them, and many mommies and babies. It is so quiet on the Serengeti that when the driver turned off the engine we could hear the 'trumpeting ' sound they make and their chewing as they ripped leaves off trees. It was breathtaking.

 And the zebra! Wow! They travel in large herds. I always thought that their coloring would be too distinct to allow any camouflage, but surprisingly they do blend in!

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