Thursday, September 7, 2017

Virginia City or Bust

Earlier this summer my daughter Catherine and I spent the day in Virginia City, Nevada. The contrast in scenery as we crossed Kingsbury Grade, leaving the alpine coolness of Tahoe, for the dry barren high dessert of Nevada, was startling.  Mark Twain once said, “Even the devil would be homesick in Nevada.”

Virginia City sprang because of a silver strike in 1859. The Comstock Lode is unequaled in the history of the American West.  Believe it or not, more money was produced in the silver and mineral mines around Virginia City than in the entire California Gold Rush, just ten years before.   Mark Twain got his start there as a reporter for the Territorial Enterprise. Even today, it is not hard to imagine what life was like when this town was a thriving boomtown.

While I am a big fan of American history, being in Virginia City was just good old fashioned fun! We walked along the boardwalk streets, popping into saloons, restaurants, and shops of every type.  Our first stop was for lunch in the Delta Cafe & Saloon.  This is where the famous suicide table is located.  Legend has it that entire fortunes were lost at that gambling table, causing three men to take their own lives! 
We enjoyed a “Suicide Mary,” (a gigantic Bloody Mary,) with our lunch!  Oh, why not, we were on vacation, right? We did also stop and repent our sins at the amazing Our Lady of the Mountains Church.  

 And, we even explored the cemetery.

One of our last stops was for a couple of beers at the Bucket of Blood Saloon! A fun day with my Catherine!

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