Saturday, September 30, 2017

Hoofddorp, huh? Holland

We've just returned from dinner in a town called Hoofddorp. Isn't it just fun to say?

We've gotten very brave venturing out on the trains and buses to see the outskirts of Amsterdam. It's our last day of vacation and we certainly weren't going to just hang around the hotel.  It has been a rainy and rather gloomy day, but we just pulled out our umbrellas and pulled on the hoods to our jackets, and kept going.

We went to the town of Edam first, which was founded in 1357!  It is known for producing cheese, and that was obvious by the many cheese shops.  We had lunch there after wandering the narrow streets, looking in the shops and taking quick peeks ( by accident as we passed by) into private homes that looked cozy and cute.

Then we traveled to another more touristy town called Volendam, also founded in 1357- that's 660 years ago! Imagine!  This seaport town, known for its fishing industry, had an area along the water that looked like a Dutch version of Fisherman's Wharf in San Francisco, although much more quaint.

It was a fun last day to our amazing vacation.

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