Friday, September 15, 2017

Rwanda- We're Not in Kansas Anymore

Today is our first full day in Rwanda, and to say that this IS AFRICA, is about as much of an understatement as can be made.  Rwanda is becoming a very successful country with much industry and investments being put into the infrastructure of the country. And they have come a tremendously long way since the genocide in 1994.

But let's face it, it is a 3rd world country, and we three Americans stood out.  So far this has been a remarkable experience, and I'm so thankful to have Chris as our guide.  Otherwise, we'd be lost!

In the 5 months Chris has been here, he has learned his way around, learned enough Kinyarwanda (the native language) to barter, know where to get the best meats, fruits and vegetables, and how to get the people who want to sell us things, to go away.  Rob and I felt like a couple of little kids following closely behind, and dumbly smiling a lot at the native people. They were all very friendly but we were certainly a novelty to them because this isn't where many of the tourists go.
Believe it or not, this is where we bought vegetables for tonight's dinner.  The vegetables cost the equivalent of 60 cents.
At a gigantic open air market with stalls selling everything from fish to fruit to fabric to toilet plungers, Chris is bartering about making napkins and a table cloth from this fabric.  I just stood there feeling totally out of my element.
At this same market Chris is haggling for fruit. Bargaining is expected here.
Look at the beautiful and exotic (for us) fruits available here!

Here is Rob under our mosquito netted bed at Chris's house.
This is a street in downtown Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda.

1 comment:

  1. What an amazing experience, Veronica! Your "guide" sounds fabulous. Soak it up and keep writing. When you get home you can savor it all over again. xoxo
