Sunday, September 17, 2017

Rwanda- Hikes, Rural Villages

 It is almost beyond words what this part of the world is like.  I am equally shocked at the poverty, as I am with the beauty of the mountains and farmlands.  Today we did a hike at the Volcanoes National Park.  It was a grueling hike to the grave of Dian Fossey- remember Gorillas In The Mist? This is her story.  I have to confess that I didn't go all the way, but Rob and Chris did.  When I got to 8,600 feet, I knew I was at my limit considering the muddy, rocky trails.  Even Rob, who competes in triathalons said it was the most challenging hike he's ever done.  So, I didn't feel so bad for 'pooping out.' I was guided back by a guide and a Rwandan soldier -since we were very close to the border with the Congo- a very corrupt country.
 I have so much to write about,  but for now, a picture is worth a thousand words.

As I waited for Rob and Chris to return, I had the chance to people watch  in a location I never thought I'd see.  Here a boy leads his flock of goats through the village!

Local children in the village at the base of the hike trailhead help their parents with the family's herd of sheep.

Rob and I at the start of the hike.

These are my hike partners.  The Rwandan soldier spoke fairly good English and told me he has been a soldier for 9 years.  The guy in blue lives in the village and is married with a small child.

Last night we stayed at this lodge. It was down miles of rocky dirt roads. During the night we were awoken by the screams of monkeys, and inside our room was a hissing cockroach.  Needless to say we didn't sleep much.

This woman and child were walking up the road near Chris's apartment.  At first I was snapping photos of each woman I saw carrying something on her head.  Then I realized that this was very common!
Africa is amazing, beautiful,  and sad too!

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