Monday, September 25, 2017

Tanzania Safari-The Ngorongoro Crater Day II

Our first day on the safari actually began in The Ngorongoro National Park.  About 100 miles from Asusha, we turned off onto a dirt road and spent the next three days bumping and pitching through one of the most amazing places I've ever seen- even if I might need a chiropractor when I get home.

Three million years ago a volcano exploded, which is now the world's largest caldera.  Living freely, as animals should, we saw four of the 'big five'- elephants, lions, cheetahs, and water buffalo.  (We didn't see rhino.) It addition, we saw so many  other animals that  I was constantly popping my head out of the top of the vehicle yelling, "Wow!"

The name Ngoragora is a Maasai word for the sound a cowbell makes! This native tribe still runs their cattle through the park, which originally belonged to them.

 On our first day, I took most of my photos on my camera, and not my IPhone, which is how I'm able to post these photos today from Zanzibar.  I'm only able to use  IPhone photos at the moment. So for now-----
Zebras running in groups.
The Wildebeests are are called "spare parts animals' because they look like they have the ears of a gazelle, the body of a cow, the legs of a zebra, the horns of a water buffalo, and the face of a baboon.  They say it was the last animal God made because He was out of original ideas.  They also are apparently not very bright!

As we came down into the Crater itself, it seemed that we had gone back in time to a more primitive world where animals ran free.  A giant bull elephant stood among baboons, wildebeests, and gazelles.
Check out the video below!

Here we are standing on top of the Crater.

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